Friday, March 31, 2017

What a nice article in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette

Rotary evolution: Nonprofit looks to E-clubs to recruit millennials

The international service organization hanges with the times but keeps focus on 'Service Above Self'

A visit to Derby Shelton Rotary Club

I visited Derby Shelton Rotary club and had a conversation with Ernie Louise. Her advice was great, thanks Ernie. At the club they had a speaker on Drug abuse and addiction. She had the whole room play a game using smart phones and her computer. It is a general technique that any of us could use to communicate a specific message. You add in a bunch of questions and then the audience answers them using their smart phones. Modern Technology!! It's called

East Hampton Rotary club March 29

There were some dignitaries at East Hampton on Wed to recognize Kevin Reich becoming a Paul Harris Fellow and joining the Paul Harris Society.  Paul Mangals, the Governor, somewhat lame duck, and Jim Satterwite were present. Red did his usual fine job making Kevin a Paul Harris Fellow without a pin or a certificate. Paul and Jim took care of the Society. Kevin then presented his plan for next Rotary year which was agressively conservative. We will have a great year.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Branford Rotary Club March 29, 2017

The Branford Rotary Club meets Wednesday mornings at the Parthenon Diner. This morning they had a student of the month who is an artist from the Branford High School
 The Speaker at the Branford RC was the President of the local Muslim Society and gave an overview of Islam and of Muslims. There was some discussion of why the world seems so different from the principles of Islam, which are pacific and respectful of others.

This was quite an enjoyable meeting.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Four Way Test Speech Contest at Norwich Free Academy

There were six contestants at the Semi-Final of the Four Way Test Speech Contest. They were all very good and two were chosen to go to the District Assembly next week, April 1, 2017. The second photo below is of Rachel the competitor from East Hampton. She did a great job but was not selected to go to the Finals.

St. Patricks Day at East Hampton Rotary Club

East Hanpton Rotary club had a St. Patricks Day celebration a week later. We had about 40 members and guests. There was a raffle which gave money to  Project Graduation and Alan's project in Honduras. Ted and Barbara prepared the meal and club notables served it. A good time was had by all.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

New England PETS-President Elect Training Seminar

A lot of effort goes into training the President of every Rotary Club. Since we have a new President every year training the new person is important. It's also valuable for the person because the leadership training help you in whatever you do.
We had training March 9 to 11 in Framingham, Massachusetts. It was great with lots of great speakers and good discussion among the Presidents to be.
 There were 344 President Elects from 8 Rotary districts. This is the large ball room but there were lots of break outs with 15 to 20 President Elects.
 Some of the folks from our District including the incoming Governor Trish Pearson in the middle.

And there were a bunch of college students interested in Rotary(Rotaractors). They met each other and talked about how they could make more stuff happen.

And these are the District Governors for 2019-20 from the 8 New England districts.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Awards we give in Rotary

I don't know if this makes sense feedback is welcome.

Some thoughts on the Awards we give to clubs and individuals
Should meet the four way test.

The 4-Way Test
Of the things we think, say or do:

1.     Is it the TRUTH?
2.     Is it FAIR to all concerned?
3.     Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
4.     Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

What is the purpose of awards given to Rotary clubs and individuals, usually at the District conference.
1. Recognize and reward outstanding achievement
2. Encourage all Rotarians to do more/better service
3. "Beneficial to all concerned"

1.So the process for choosing award winners must be "fair to all concerned" and the award winners chosen must be in truth: the most deserving.
Some of the difficulties in executing the above.
              In our District few clubs actually are interested in applying for and receiving awards.
              There is a big disparity between the capabilities of the large and small clubs
              It is very difficult and subjective to choose a "best" service project. Beauty is often in the eye of the beholder.
2. So how can we use the award process to "encourage all Rotarians to do more/better service".
3. Since there are few winners and many non-winners, any process which is "beneficial to all concerned" must also bring value to the non-winners, somehow.

So what are the possible benefits and motivational aspects for non-winners
1. The non-winners could be inspired by the story of the winner
2. The non-winners could be educated by aspects of the winners' story and success
3. The winners could be encouraged to involve non-winners in future projects.(Since the winners presumably have demonstrated high competence in an area, they could provide direct help in cooperative projects with non-winners.) (Use District Managed grant process to help with this)
4. The non-winners could do a project similar to the one executed by the winner.

1. The award must go into enough detail about the winners so the audience will understand what is done and how it was special, so that they can be inspired and/or educated.
2. Could have a District managed grant subprocess which allows winners to specially apply with non winners for a new grant.
3. Winner should provide an education sheet on their special project, approach or ?
4. Only give the awards when they are clearly special and have something to teach.
5. It is often said that "it is disappointing that so few clubs apply for awards. However there is a problem. Suppose all 60 clubs applied for an award. Now there are 59 non winners sll of whom have spent a few man hours preparing their submital for the award. Those are hours that could have been spent on projects or fundraising. It is clear that the winner is positively motivated but if the non-winners are not positively motivated then the award process is not bringing value to the clubs as a whole and to our District.