Wednesday, October 17, 2018

East Hampton Rotary-Giving Away Dictionaries to Third Graders

A very simple project that many clubs do every year is giving away dictionaries. The third graders love and cherish their dictionaries.There is so much more in our dictionaries than words.

The club gives out the dictionaries as the students walk in. They then look through it
We tell the students what Rotary is and explain the Four Way Test
Then we give them a little about the dictionary. Here is Kevin Reich(former teacher, former
Assistant superintendent current Assistant Governor) explaining
what's in the dictionary 

The dictionary includes a Periodic Table of the Elements. Us chemists
really appreciate that. We've been giving out dictionaries for more than 20
years, the Periodic Table in those early dictionaries are no longer correct.
When we took a picture of the Rotarians and some students we realized that there were
about 8 grandchildren of the Rotarians present in the group.
So this project provides a learning tool to the children, gives Rotarians some fellowship and gives
the Rotarians whose grandkids are there, a real positive experience.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Milford Rotary Club chooses sides-Red Sox or Yankees

The Division Series between the Red Sox and Yankees was about to kick off. The Milford Rotary Club was meeting and debated the merits of the teams. Well not really. It's baseball.
And by the way there was a Jets fan defending his forecast, that the Jets were a future team to be reckoned with. Us Jets fans have heard that before.

So back to the Yankees or the Red Sox.
Here's the sargent, not partisan much. 

Baseball hats from the competing teams at the podium. Some vintage hats here.
 A fun Rotary Club meeting. The speaker talked about RYLA. Go Yankees/Red Sox.