Sunday, December 23, 2018

President Elect Preparation for President Elect Orientation

President Elect Orientation for 2019-20 Presidents

For President Elect Orientation on January 28

Bring an idea for a project that you can share with other President Elects
         Talk with other club members to get some ideas

Work on your club goals

Questions on Leadership
          How to have interesting, entertaining meetings
          How to ensure that members find club fellowship

Any questions that your club has on Youth Programs

        What are the Best Practices for Acquisition of Members and Engagement of Members

Communications-What questions do you have about club communications?

Rotary Foundation-What questions do you have about the Rotary Foundation?
    Talk to your club about getting approved for grants. Bring along the signed form to get approved for next year.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Rotary Fellowship at Holiday Time

All our clubs have get-togethers at Holiday Time to provide Fellowship for all our members

Getting together for cocktails and snacks

Discussing how to do good in the world

Some of us like to dress up(or down)

Having a great time at a Yankee Swap
Celebrating the end of the Year and Holiday Time. What a great way to provide Fellowship

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Breakfast with Santa in East Hampton-A perspective

At Breakfast with Santa in East Hampton a lot of different things happen. Many of our club members come to help and we spend lots of time chatting and enjoying each others' company. So this is a great example of Fellowship at a Service project.
The club provides breakfast without charge but we do ask those coming to bring a gift for the Food Bank. event.
Here's the leadership team:Past Chair Bob, Current Chair Kevin and Club President Mark

Greeting people at the door are Sharon(dressed as an elf) and Bill

On their way to seeing Santa and the Mrs.

For the first time East Hampton had Mrs. Claus as well as Santa
 The Interact Club has many members in attendance and they love it. They organize the visit with Santa, the taking of pictures, there is always a line for the Santa visit. The Interact Club also does face painting and there is also an Amber Alert sign up. All these things go on throughout the event.

Here's the table where the Interactors arrange for face painting

The current chair and in the background the high school kitchen where the club makes the pancakes

George took care of the dishes. Thanks George

Rotary Leadership Basics

This video was prepared by Rotary District 7980 Governor Larry Gardner last year. It is a great video on how to lead a Rotary Clubs. We will share it with the President Elects this year.