Norwich Sunrise meets at the Courtyard by Marriott in Norwich. President Tom Cummings runs an efficient and fun meeting. So here's Tom and I after the meeting.
President Tom and I in front of their flags |
Each week one of the club members does "Fellowship". This week Stacy gave us a history and analysis of "panty hose" and stockings. Back in the day, 1800s, panty hose and stockings were for men and was woven cloth. Starting in the early 1900's women started wearing stockings and panty hose of silk and cloth. So Dupont invented nylon in the 1930s and introduced nylon panty hose, but during the war they stopped making panty hose and made war materials, parachutes etc. There was a panty hose shortage. Her description of what happened at that time was hilarious. Stacy finds panty hose the bane of a women's existence but the club suggested some solutions. What a great funny story. We are all educated on this subject now.
Stacy educating us on panty hose |
Peter Maneri, 40 years in Rotary, the Treasurer of the club was very helpful to the visitor, me, and gave me a lot of background on the club. President Elect, Allison Keefe, commented on how helpful last weeks' President Elect Orientation was and that she was looking forward to PETS.
This club is a focal point for the Four Way Test Speech contest and Jim Troeger organizes the semifinals and helps clubs organize their contests. The District thanks Jim for his work.