Saturday, February 16, 2019

District Training Assembly at Heritage District 7980 Conference May 18, 2019

District 7980 District Conference is May 17 to 19 at the Heritage Conference Center

Heritage Hotel Golf Spa Conference Center Southbury

District 7980
District Training Assembly
May 18 at Heritage Conference Center

District Assembly Starts at 10:15 AM
In Constitution Amphitheater

Rupert Ross our Rotary International representative will inspire us.

First Breakouts at 10:55 AM

President Elects and Area Governors
Time  10:55 AM  Room  Lincoln Room
For Presidents of their clubs starting July 1 and Area Governors
This session will give you a chance to ask questions and interact with fellow Presidents on any topic you wish.  In particular we will talk about the Membership Effort and the Communications Effort of your club.

President Nominees (President of your club starting in July 2020)
Time 10:55 AM Room Madison Room
For Presidents of their clubs starting next year.
This session will give you a chance to meet other President Nominees and meet Ron Webb who will be Governor of the District in your President year. Come prepared to ask questions about being President

Treasurer of your Club or interested in club Financing
Time 10:55 AM Room Liberty room
PDG Paul Mangels the District Assistant Treasurer will answer your questions and inform you about the do's and don't of being your clubs' Treasurer.

Secretary of your Club or interested in club organization
Time 10:55 AM Room Hamilton room
District Secretary Doug Lisk has gathered some experienced club secretaries to answer your questions and inform you about how to be a great club secretary.

Membership Committees and Chairs and others interested in Membership
Time 10:55 AM Room Congress Room
Governor Larry Gardner and Member Engagement Chair Ron Holtz will talk about the Membership Initiative now going on in our District. They will talk about Best Practices for both Member Acquisition and Member Engagement/Retention.

Communications/Publicity for your Club
Time 10:55 AM Room Senate Room
AG Robert Friend is leading a group which is educating the entire District in how to be expert at communicating outside and inside. One of their goals is to stop Rotary from being the best kept secret.

Second Breakouts at 2:00 PM
after lunch and 4-way test speeches

Membership Acquisition for your Club
Time 2:00 PM Room Liberty Room
Governor Larry will review the best practicers for membership acquisition and you will discuss how to implement these and others in your club.

Youth Programs
Time 2:00 PM Room Hamilton Room
PDG Alan Hurst with help from our Youth will inform you and answer your questions about our Youth programs(Youth Exchange, Interact, RYLA, Next Generations, and Rotaract

Service Project
Time 2:00 PM AM Room Lincoln Room
District Governor Nominee Ron Webb will facilitate your discussion on service projects you have done and those you'd like to do. Bring your new ideas to this session.

Fundraising Projects
Time 2:00 PM AM Room Senate Room
PDG Trish Pearson will facilitate your discussion of fundraising projects you have done and how to make them successful. What you should do and what you should not do. New fundraising ideas may also be discussed.

Past District Governors and others
Time 2:00 PM AM Room Congress Room
This session is aimed at Past District Governors but anyone may attend. Kristen Foster the Chair of our RYLA program will facilitate this session. The discussion will be on how can Rotary Clubs better engage their members. Best practices have been proposed for member engagement the focus of this session will be on what's new and better. An output of this session will be a message to the District leadership.

Public Events
Time 2:00 PM AM Room Madison Room
PDG Rick Bassett will facilitate this session on how to increase and do better at running Public Events for your club. Every club should have many events(service projects, fellowship events, fundraisers, etc.) where the public is invited. This session will have a discussion on what events, how to do, how to attract the public, and other topics. RI President Barry Rassin has said that every club should have a "Rotary Day" endorsed by its Town.

Third Breakouts at 2:55 PM

Youth Programs
Time 2:55 PM AM Room Hamilton Room
PDG Alan Hurst with help from our Youth will inform you and answer your questions about our Youth programs(Youth Exchange, Interact, RYLA, Next Generations, and Rotaract

District Managed Grants-Projects for your Town and beyond
Time 2:55 PM AM Room Liberty Room
PDG Colin Gersohn of the Chair of the District Rotary Foundation team will facilitate a discussion of DMG projects. District Managed Grants are a way to fund projects in your town and around Connecticut. In this session he will help give you the information to get these projects funded and implemented.

International Projects
Time 2:55 PM AM Room Madison Room
PDG Rick Benson will inform you about some of the International projects which clubs in our District have done. Also there will be ample time for you to ask about a project that you may be thinking about. This also would be a good time and place to find partners for projects.

Lobster Fests
Time 2:55 PM AM Room Congress Room
Some of our clubs run lobster fests which are large events requiring lots of effort but are good for fundraising. PDG Paul Mangels will facilitate a discussion about what clubs are doing and how to do it better.

Golf, Monopoly, Community Art, and novel fundraisers
Time 2:55 PM AM Room Senate Room
PDG Trish Pearson will facilitate this discussion of golf fundraisers plus some novel fundraising ideas. At least one club has made a Monopoly game for its town and others are considering it. This is a chance to talk about these novel ideas and determine if it will work for your club.

Past District Governors and Rotaractors
Time 2:55 PM AM Room Lincoln Room
This session is for Past District Governors, Rotaractors and anyone who wants to be a PDG. It will be facilitated by Kristen Foster who is chair of our RYLA program and an experienced facilitator. A great deal has been written about the role of young people in Rotary and how to enable that. At the International Convention and at International Assembly we met and heard from Rotaractors and other young people. This session is to address what should our clubs and our District be doing? An output for District leadership and the clubs is desired.

District 7980
District Training Assembly
May 18 at Heritage Conference Center

Find your Room

Breakout 1
11 AM
President Elects and Area Governors
President Nominees
Membership Chairs and Engagement Chairs
Club Communication
Lincoln Room
Madison Room
Liberty Room
Hamilton Room
Congress Room
Senate Room

Breakout 2
2:00 PM
Youth Services
Service Projects
Fundraising Projects
PDG session
Public Events

Best Practices for member engagement in Clubs
Discussion: Public Events for Clubs including RBB
Liberty Room
Hamilton Room
Lincoln Room
Senate Room
Congress Room
Madison Room

Breakout 3
2:55 PM
Youth Services
District Managed Grants
International Projects
Lobster fests
Fundraisers-Golf, Monopoly Community Art etc
PDG and Rotaractors

Rotary and Young People New ideas
Hamilton Room
Congress Room
Madison Room
Liberty Room
Senate Room
Lincoln Room

Interact Conference   Constitution Amphitheater

Rotaract Conference   Constitution Amphitheater

Foundation Steward Training  Jefferson Room

Videotaping of Rotary Moments Washington room

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