Friday, December 13, 2019

Membership Engagement-Now

We are now halfway through this Rotary year and our District, you, are making progress on membership. You need to focus on membership engagement.So what does this mean, What should you do?

You should identify those members who are less involved with club activities.


First every member of the club and particularly new members should be contacted about the next two or three club events. Call them, e-mail them and text them. Make every member feel part of the club and encourage them to participate. You cannot.  communicate too much. Have the messages come from multiple people.

 Second, every member should be part of a club committee. If someone in the club is not on a committee, call them up and ask them to help out.

Three, encourage members of the club to get together to do things. Figure out how the club can help this happen i.e. members in small groups doing projects. For example find some community service projects that a small group of people can do and create a small group of members, who are not heavily involved, to do it. 

Four. Do a community assessment to identify the needs of your town. Involve club members, town leaders and other people interested in the community. Advertise it and welcome other people to come. Most importantly invite those club members who are not yet heavily involved in the club.

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