Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Million Mask Tour-Masks to Rotary Clubs for First Responders, Healthcare Workers, Nursing Homes and Others

Million Masks Tour

New England Rotary Clubs Getting Masks

to First Responders, Healthcare Workers and Others



Ted Rossi and the Rossi Family Foundation will donate an additional 800,000 masks to Rotary Clubs in New England. The clubs will provide the masks to first responders, healthcare workers, nursing homes and other care homes and others who need masks to stay safe. We all do.


The masks will be distributed on a tour of New England to bring the masks to the Rotary Clubs. A large truck will be loaded with masks and then make stops in

Bridgeport; New Haven; Hartford; Springfield, Mass; Rutland, Vt; Portland, Maine;

Boston, Mass.; Providence, RI; and New London.


Social distancing and masks will be worn at each stop. Local and state government officials and Rotary clubs will be represented. Even some mask recipients could be at the mask distribution locations.

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