Rotary Governor thoughts
Three principles
a. The clubs are the key. We will succeed or fail based on the success or failure of the clubs. At the District we need to support the clubs and help them.b. The support of people in the district for the district is key, no one can do it alone.
c. I expect to learn a lot in the Governor training and the process, any suggestions I make now could change based on what I learn
Possible Initiatives
1. Clubs/Foundation-Quarterly, ask each AG and each FAR to make the clubs in their area aware of speakers on Foundation related topics who could come to their club.2. District Conference-Have Interact and Rotaract conferences at same venue, same time Some combined sessions some separate.
3.Global Leadership Initiative-Rotary has made a point of wanting to attract members of ages 18 to 31. a. Ask our Rotary clubs who sponsor Rotaract clubs to pay for sending an attendee to Global Leadership Initiative. b. Have a day at Global Leadership Initiative where District 7980 Rotaractors can attend without charge. c. Provide a scholarship(s) for attendance at GLI by young adults in our District.
4. Membership-Ask each club member to talk with a non-Rotarian about a project they are excited about. Help overcome the barriers to asking to be a member.
5. Rotary Foundation/Grants-Encourage all clubs to be involved in grants. For every grant given, ask the club(s) who have proposed that project to seek at least one additional club to participate who have not been involved in grants recently. Goal- every club involved in a grant.
6. Organization- For most AG meetings have a focus in addition to AG discussion. Membership, Club Health, Youth Services, Foundation grants, District activities Some of these will be joint AG/FAR meetings
7. At Governor visits to clubs have the Interact Club and Rotaract clubs also attend.
8.Multiclub Projects Encourage activities/fund raising with more than one club.
9. After each AG visit to a club, the AG writes two sentences on what happened and sends to me and/or post on blog.
10. I'll keep a blog on activities in our district and beyond.
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