Thursday, November 15, 2018

President Elect Orientation-November 13 for Presidents 2019-20

On Tuesday, November 13, the President Elects from District 7980 met

President Elect Orientation for 2019-20 Presidents

            numbered items were identified by PEs as most important information
            blue items are comments or explanations which I have added
1. Contacts-
            a. PEs met a bunch of other PEs and also met Assistant Governors and PDGs
            b. In the handout is contact information for a bunch of people who are willing to help

2. Rotary Foundation-mentioned a few times by PEs as interesting and important
            More on International projects
Here is a link to the presentation on the Foundation just click on it to go to presentation.

3. Organizational punch list
            Your To-Dos for next few months-see below

4. Treasurer talk
            budget early
            PDG Paul Mangels expressed the importance of a President in keeping track of finances and making his budget early. All while working with the clubs' financial structure.
5. Leadership
            Don't forget to ask(in getting help from others)
            New project buy-in
            Setting goals
            Plan ahead
            Leadership is a key part of the Presidents job. It requires working with others and getting agreement on plans, budgets etc. See some elements of the handouts. There will be lots more about how to lead.
6. Membership
            retain members/retain
            New members/young members
Governor Larry talked about membership. In his talks to clubs he spends quite a bit of time on membership, so many of you have already heard some of his comments. There are two parts for membership a)acquisition of new members and b) retention of members. There will be seminars to help us all understand best practices in each of these areas. Some clubs are doing a great job on membership and we need to understand what they do. This will continue to be a focus next year and we will discuss it further in January.
7. New ideas
We all get new ideas from various sources. At PEOs and at PETS meetings other President Elects and AGs and others are a great source of new ideas. You should seek out new people, talk with them and ask them how they do the things you're interested in.

8. Keep it fun
Of course but how to do it is the key.

9. Communication
PDG Trish talked about how to communicate with your club and with the outside world. She mentioned Facebook, Instagram and other social media as important. Also she commented that you don't have to be the expert, find someone to help you. Remember delegate, under leadership. She also mentioned the value of our District database and website in helping you communicate both within your club and outside. More on this at PE Tools on January 28.

Most important things to be a great club president


              Have a plan-
set club goals, set membership goals, set foundation goals, set club calendar

          Build your team-
officers, directors, committee chairs

          Use Rotary International tools-
website, printed materials, public relations materials

          Have some great projects
 that engage and excite your membership

          Have engaging meetings
with variety

          Leverage the Rotary Foundation
so that your projects extend further(support the Foundation)
          Use the District
 to help you succeed

Your to dos for next few months  

  • Ø   What are your clubs' Goals, membership goals, and foundation goals

    Ø   Working with your Board and Committees map out a calendar for next year including service projects, fundraisers, fellowship, Rotary Day, etc.

    Ø   Assemble your team i.e. the people you want to help you make things happen

    Ø   Start work on your Budget so you will know how much money you will have and where you want to spend it

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