Thursday, June 27, 2019

District 7980 Installation, June 26, 2019-How to Publicize Rotary

It has been said that Rotary is a best kept secret.
The District 7980 Installation was held at St. Clements Castle in Portland, CT on June 26 and about 160 Rotarians and guests came. Tari Marshall Day made a Facebook post with lots of pictures.

Tari's post on the District Installation

But that's not what this post is about. This is about how one person can help publicize Rotary to the World. But also about how can we use the awareness we generate during the Installation season to make more people aware of what we do.

Barbara Moore of the East Hampton Rotary club decided that Jack Solomon becoming Governor of our Rotary District was a notable event which should be recognized. So what did she do.
1. She went to the East Hampton Town Council and got them to declare June 26, 2019 Jack Solomon Day. In my view it's really Rotary Day but in any case great publicity.

2. She contacted the General Assembly

And they wrote a  proclamation on Rotary Governor

3. And she contacted our US Senator Chris Murphy( I talked with him during his walk across Connecticut) and he wrote a Certificate of Accomplishment.

Pretty Remarkable what one Rotarian, Barbara Moore, can do to get recognition for Rotary. The East Hampton Town Council, The Connecticut General Assembly and a US Senator all endorsing Rotary.
Thanks Barbara. But we don't need to stop there, we can use this recognition to raise the level of awareness of Rotary. That's what we need to do.

At an Installation in East Haven, they too got their Representative to get a General Assembly Official Citation. Rotary is very well recognized in Connecticut.

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