Rotary in Southern Connecticut
Bulletin From District 7980 Governor Larry Gardner
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District governor bulletin January 2019
A Message from District Governor Larry Gardner
Happy New Year to all District 7980 Rotarians.
We have reached the halfway point of our Rotary Year and our accomplishments are many. As we navigate into the New Year, let us reflect back on the work we have accomplished to save lives and make a difference in our communities and around the world. You are all to be applauded for the great work we have achieved, but there is much to do in front of us.
Now is the time to embrace our personal networks, tell them "our Rotary story" and connect them to our work, both inside our clubs and inside our community. In January, we will embark on the next phase of a multiyear District Communications program that will educate and align the entire District around "best practices" in communicating our great work to the masses. We must all work diligently to remove the "Rotary is the best kept secret in our community" stigma that surrounds many of our Clubs. Please make sure you work with your AG and particpate fully in the upcoming District Communication Tour program that is coming to your Area between February and April.
January also kicks-off our 2019 Rotary Annual 4-Way Test Speech Contest activities. This is a chance to connect the youth of our communities to the values that we embrace through our 4-Way Test. Do not miss this opportunity to engage with your school's and introduce them to this extremely powerful opportunity.
PE's the necessary tools to run vibrant club meetings for the upcoming 2019-2020 Rotary year. The following items will be covered for this Training program: Leadership, Club management, Club Board Management, Finances, Global and District managed grants, Membership, Club Calendar, and Communications.
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